Q: Business models for web services within the Gov/DOD - how do separate organizations pay for the use of web services, when notionally the same org (DOD/Gov) is footing the bill.
It seems like there would be a policy problem with 'pay-as-you-go' systems, since missions require quick access to services, regardless of what's left in the budget. Correctly forecasting use (since web services will be cobbled together in unforeseen ways) seems like a gap within DOD, particularly for contingency operations. Private industry has contracts, QOS, etc. to measure and pay against.
How to solve the lead-lag problem of budget and acquisitions for web services? Is there a policy for reallocation of funds from one org to another, one budget cycle to another. Or is this even an issue? I.e. does DISA create an umbrella provider for web services, regardless of who needs or uses them?
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