It's the new year and so lets kick it off with a same story different day: story from FAS Project on Government Secrecy about Presidential records using non-standard formats
"Volume aside, the White House electronic records were often generated in non-standard formats using proprietary software that somehow must be accommodated by NARA."
Various reports (FCW) have said the program is over budget and behind schedule and the usual suspect, LMCO (lockeheed) is the contractor.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has questioned the ERA's readiness, especially since the project has endured some bumps along the way, including delays and cost overruns estimated at $16.3 million. The life-cycle cost for the complete ERA system, scheduled to be completed in 2011, has been estimated at $453 million, including development contract costs, program management, research and development, and program office support.
As recently as September, after studying the system's progress, the GAO urged NARA to create a mitigation plan in case it could not process the incoming records by Jan. 20, 2009. In a report to the congressional committees (download PDF), the GAO said, "If it cannot ingest the electronic records from the Bush administration in a way that supports the search, processing and retrieval of records immediately after the presidential transition, it will not be able to meet the requirements of the Congress, the former and incumbent presidents, and the courts for information in these records in a timely fashion."
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