HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp. uses fractal patterns to create better military camouflage designs. Canada changed military camouflage standards by issuing their proprietary "pixelated" CADPAT uniforms as a result of a DND research program.
Now they're moving to planes, etc:
Camo F-16 mock-up
MARPAT (U.S. Marine Corps Pattern) was developed based on research from Lt. Col. Timothy R. O'Neill, Ph.D. (U.S. Army, Ret.) considered to be the foremost expert on camouflage in the world. CADPAT (Canadian Disruptive Pattern) was developed a number of years earlier than MARPAT but also cities O'Neill's work as the basis for the digital pattern. While both patterns and the new ARPAT (U.S. Army Pattern - three color variant of MARPAT) factored in Lt. Col. O'Neill's ideas of the pixalated micropattern, his research on the symmetry disruption of the human target shape with the larger Macropattern was not implemented into any of these patterns.
From: The Science of Stealth Page
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